Friday, March 22, 2013

Challenge Accepted

So I was on Facebook (surprise, surprise) and I noticed one of my old work friends, Katie, was going a sort of "daily challenge" on her blog. I thought. WELL, that sounds fun and it will help with my lack of motivation to blog lately since life is full of packing, cooking, cleaning, packing, and packing more. So I say challenge accepted. I found a good 30 Day Challenge that will either A) bore you to drink, B) enlighten you to something new, or C) maybe inspire you to do a challenge as well. I'd love to get to know you even more!

Day 1: List 10 random facts about you

  1. I'm a ginger. Yes, folks, its true. I am a natural red head but dont be alarmed- I DO actually have a soul... (though Im sure Sexy Beast would argue that one after watching me go through labor).
  2. I was carrying twins with Gabriel but lost one in the first trimester.
  3. I used to sing in competitions and pageants until I was 15 years old. I was even in singing groups called The Seven Sisters and American Kids where I went to Missouri for a national competition.
  4. Im a city girl at heart but would rather raise my babies in the country.
  5. I dont drink. Ok well I dont really drink alot. Its rare to see me actually drinking since I got pregnant. I think its the combination of getting sick EVERY time I drink or if its the exhaustion. But if I was writing this 3 years ago- thatd be a different story.
  6. I hate being scared but LOVE horror movies.
  7. I cry at just about everything happy or sad. If I see a child crying on TV or someone giving birth- I cry. Absolutely every time. What have these hormones done to me?
  8. I want 4 children but after giving birth for the 3rd time Im sure Ill say "F-this noise Im done"
  9. Im obsessed with cupcakes and pinterest.
  10. Im very hard on myself about my parenting. I am by biggest criticizer. But maybe this will calm down with age.. or more babies.
On a side note- Spaz had a speech therapy session on Wednesday. At his 18 month appointment, the doctor asked if he was speaking 10 or more words... well.. Not exactly. I am with him all day.. So he referred me to a therapist and it went pretty good. He is slightly below average for where he should be but she said that he is very socially intelligent and affectionate. He might be having a hard time hearing which would cause the mumbling, balance issues, and not pronouncing the words correctly. So off the the ENT we will go.... 

But dont fret- even with all the chaos and now the croup AGAIN, he is still keepin' it real...


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