Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happily Ever After

Do you remember the Disney movies?
"and they lived happily ever after"
But honestly, what happened after the wedding? Did Sleeping Beauty gain 50 pounds from pregnancy? Did Prince Charming leave the door open when he peed or eat pistachios in bed? Did Arial leave her tampon box in the bathroom for some reading material for Prince Eric? Well if this were real life than yes..

To all those newlyweds, the honeymoon doesnt last forever. Now Im not going to sit here and write about the downside of marriage. Thats not it at all. But I think alot of married people my age forget this. They think once that spontaneous, cant keep your hands of eachother, google eyed moments are gone that there is nothing. Thats not what marriage is. Marriage is growing together. Its finding out that he/she isnt perfect and it makes you love them more. Men are not perfect. Even Channing Tatum and Jake Gyllenhaal. Surprised- i know. Did you know that there is a part of the brain in a man that was never fully evolved? Its the part that controls what they hear and see. For example. When Beast sees the bathroom, he sees a cave. A dirty, dark, cave. When he hears me say, "Lets do some laundry, cook dinner, and watch a movie." He hears, "Ill do the laundry, you warm up dinner, and pick out a scary movie that will make me not want to sleep for a month." Its not his fault ladies. Its evolution. Well, antievolution.
*I should side note for the Sexy Beast's sake that he does do the laundry. Im just OCD so most the time I do it so I dont have a panic attack. But he tries. 

But at the end of the night after he leaves the door open in the bathroom, farts while watching movies, and folds the laundry the wrong way, he still rubs my back and kisses my forehead goodnight. He still holds my hand in public and hugs every day after work. He asks me how my day was and opens the door for me. He never walks infront of me and always behind to protect me. He's a great dad and good husband. Remember that even though men have their quirks, they are still the men we fell in love with. Its natural to grow and change as we grow up. We just have to remember to grow together, not apart.

Day 6

So we are on to day 6: What is the hardest thing you have ever experienced?

This is a good tie between when Nate left for his first deployment and when I had Gabe. WHY WHEN YOU HAD  GABE? Baby Blues. Postpartum depression is a real thing and its something not alot women talk about. I knew about it before I had Gabe. A couple of my family members had a mild case of it and I have heard it can run in the family. But I personally think everyone experiences it one way or  another. Whether its just a little crying at night from exhaustion or full out not eating unhappiness, PPD is a serious thing. I did everything they told me to do. I breast fed Spaz right away after birth. They laid him on me when he came out. I slept when he slept (or at least tried. It doesnt help when you have every nurse around the block coming in to see the tiniest baby on the floor). I ate when I was hungry and kept up on my liquids. I showered and got dressed to help me feel good. But it was still there. I still felt this gut-renching emptiness at the pit of my stomache. I loved this baby so much but at the same time I felt so sad.

I cried alot at night when Beast was asleep and Spaz was screaming because he was so hungry. My obnoxious Dolly Partons probably scared the crap out of him. This was my theory. I wanted to nurse so bad but I was so exhausted. I never woke beast up because i felt like I was the only one who could do it right. I had to do it all. It didnt help that my weight wasnt melting off like everyone says. Breast feeding takes the baby weight off.... Ya, right... If it does then you better high five your mom for some great genes. Eventually the gut-tightening blues started to dissipate and I was feeling alot better. I look back now and still feel guilty for even having them. I keep telling myself it wasnt my fault. That my hormones were so screwed up. That the exhaustion, lack of food, weight issue, and not letting anyone help me was just getting the best of me.

Even though the blues disappeared, I still would get anxious when Spaz wasnt even in the same room as me. My mother-in-law came to visit when Spaz was 2 weeks old. She told me to get out of the house and run some errands. (pretty sure this was her sneaky way off getting some one on one time with this pink bundle of screams) He was pretty dang cute and tiny. I was only gone an hour but my heart was pumping. I felt sick and shaky. What was wrong with me?! Have any of you experienced this attachment issue? Im alot better now but even when my mom offers to take Spaz for a week, I get anxious and nervous. This will stop with the next, right??

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Day 5

Ok.. So anyone who knows me, knows that my memory isnt worth shit.. Sorry for the pay-per-view channel language. I posted day 4 on the 26th and it is, what?, the 30th?! Easter eve?! Way to stay on top of things, Dani. No wonder I got knocked up one month into marriage. Oy.

So we will just pretend that I have been on schedule.
Day 5: What are 5 things that make you happiest right now. 

Aw this shall be fun. Less "damper dan" than the rest of the days.

Thing 1: Well this is just an obvious (well maybe not obvious to the beast since he's been on my spinal nerves lately) But thing 1 is definitely my boys. Its been hectic around here and it's causing little spaz to be a big spaz. But we have these miracle wonderful moments where he is calm and just wants to snuggle with mom and dad. Sexy Beast has been busy trying to process out of Fort Stewart. When I say process, its putting it mildley. The beast has been quite stressed with all the paperwork and gear cleaning. Sometimes it can carry over into the house and the tension rises. But he never forgets to hug me when he is home and kiss me goodnight. So I cant hate him. Maybe give him evil looks and smart ass comments. But no hate.

Thing 2: We move to Colorado Springs in less than a month. While it breaks my heart to think about being so far away from my mother and little brother that Iv lived with now for over a year, I know they will be ok. Well at least I hope so. Ill pray everyday for my mothers patience and for my little brother to not burn down the condo. You  may be laughing- but Im totally serious. Here's to good fire alarms in her place. Georgia can be beautiful but its never felt like a home to me. Thats partially my fault. I never really let myself warm up to it and make it a home. Thats something that is really important in a military family. You dont stay in one spot for very long. So, you better make a home where ever you are. The saying goes, "Home is where ever the boots are laying". Iv always liked Colorado and we have heard nothing but great things about the area. I love the snow. YES, I said it. After living in the south for this long, I have decided that I am an actual snow bunny. I will take it over the rising 100 degree humid summers here. So here's to a new start! And more day dreaming of my Colorado home. (plus it makes it 100 times better my really good friend, HK, is going to be arriving in the fall)

Thing 3: Writing in my blog. I know what your thinking- WHAT WRITING??! I know. Iv been slacking. Staying on schedule MAYBE shouldnt be in my resume. Though if Im getting paid for it, you know Im probably putting more effort into it. Is that bad? I do love to write. Especially about my chaotic life that has SO many great adventures coming towards it. Both scary and exciting. Please excuse me though. My mother just moved out of my house, my son is screaming and not talking so we are working on that, the Army has thrown up everywhere in my house (and we all know my OCD is screaming like a tortured SAW victim), and Im trying to pack our stuff slowly. Not to mention its Easter now.. Where did that come from?! I promise that I will write more and more interesting crap. Just wait til I crap open a bottle and talk about the brain of males. Did you know that theres a part of their brain that has never evolved from the caveman days? Its the part that controls what they see when they see a bathroom... more on that later.

Thing 4: Is it sad that I had to think about another thing that makes me happy these days?! Haha I think its more that my brain is drained rather than I dont have a fourth thing. Im sure Beast is praying this is true. Cooking and baking. I want to be the worlds best mom with the worlds greatest cupcakes.. and not gain a damn thing from eating them. Too much? Ok, Id like to master the art of baking and making a good meal. Iv been working on my cooking skills since I got married but it didnt really go into high gear 'til the beast was camping in Afghan land last year. When we first got married, I experimented with booze. Alot. I put wine into EVERYTHING. I cooked LOTS of pasta. And LOTS of banana bread. Well, we look back now and realize- it showed. Haha. We both love food and love homemade stuff so we have been working on finding recipes we love and making it less "guilty". One thing I wont mess with though- banana bread. Ill stick to my grandmas recipe. You do NOT mess with a recipe from grandma. She even makes her own flour. She puts me to shame. Sometimes I can cook great- but then my single lady worthless cooking skills kick in at times. I made chili once and burnt it. BURNT it. HOW do you burn chili? Talent. I also made zuccinni bread zuccinni mush once. Gross. I made mac'n'cheese for the bro a couple months back and well, forgot about it and by the time I got back to it, the water was gone. And the smoke alarm was going off. Lets see.. well if you ask Sexy Beast how my baking is, he would laugh and say 98.56% of my stuff tastes like pancakes. I have no idea how I manage it but it does. I tried making pretzels, buns, and bread- all tasting like salty nasty pancakes.. My great grandparents owned a bakery and were master bakers. So it would be real nice if that skill would kick in now please.

Thing 5: Well I know what thing 5 is.. But I cant say. You will have to find out later. For most of you, its not what you are thinking. That first thing that pops in your mind.. its not that. But its something great. And will eventually lead to that. That all made sense, you just dont know it did.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Day 3 and 4..

OF COURSE I would forget one day. But give me a break- not only are Spaz and I sick with some killer colds, but my little brother who is living with me started throwing up yesterday. I figured something bad was happening since he kept going to his room to nap the afternoon before this. Then he kept falling asleep on the couch. Next thing I know he's screaming my name. Nothing like some nice vomit to make a brother and sister get along and take care of eachother.

Day 3: What is the greatest amount of physical pain you have ever endured?
Well, go ahead and guess it. Im sorry to scare you pregnant people reading this but for me.. it was labor.. Aunt Flow was put into unemployment for 39 weeks without pay and she was back for some revenger. The cramps are similar to menstraul cramps but about 120x's worse. You'd think the most painful part would be that human coming out of you but the worst is the contractions. The actual delivery part wasnt so bad. But hey, it wasnt all SO bad. Otherwise I wouldnt be planning on doing it again.

Day 4: List 5 things you would tell the 16-year-old self.
  • That boyfriend of yours is a stoner. He will always be a stoner (at least for as long as you are going to care) and you need to get away. He may be a nice guy. But come on- you can do better.
  • Stop coloring your hair dark. You are a redhead. Embrace the ginger world, honey.
  • Cuddle and love your baby brother as much as you can. He wont stay tiny, chubby, and quiet for long.
  • Focus on school and college instead of parties and boys (your man isnt even at this school). All that brings is drama and even though it seems like the world is full of drama and chaos- it doesnt matter.
  • Pick your battles with your mother and try to get to know her better. Although it seems like things couldnt be worse, she is trying her best and only wants you to succeed in life. You may not understand now but sooner than you think, you will be a mom and learn that theres nothing a mom loves more than her kids. Even if you dont feel like she does, she loves you and thinks the world of you.
Theres lots of things I say I would do differently at a teenager. But I wouldnt change anything in reality. If I went down a different path, maybe I wouldnt be where I am today. I wouldnt have my husband and then I wouldnt have my son. Dont think about what could have been or think about how you would have done things differently. Think about what you learned. This is the wisdom you will pass to your children and grandchildren.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Fear Factor

It is Day 2 people..I have made it two days. Be very happy that I am even writing in this damn thing because I was hit by a bus then ran over by a train today. On top of that, I am helping my monster mother move into her condo... I am a great daughter. Gabe got me sick and now I got my little brother sick. We are having a competition- who can be more irritating and whiney. Im in the lead. Ill take it... its my only accomplishment today.

Day 2: Name 3 legitimate fears and how they have become fears.

So are they saying things like spiders and death by log truck are not fears?? Or fear that the boogie monster is going to grab my leg if its poking out of my blanket? Because those ARE fears.

Id say one fear is the dark. Yes, I know, Im 23 years old and scared of the dark. Go ahead and laugh but I will admit it. I have to either have the TV on or the hallway light on when Im falling asleep. I think its the fear of the "unknown" when its dark. Im the type that does like needs to be in control of 99% of things. And not being able to see what is going on really makes me uneasy. It's not necessarily the creepy crawlies in my closet (because I have a beast lying next to me to protect me. He has a normal body temp of 100 degrees so he is a hot box. I think they are too grossed out to get near his sweaty hotness- I dont blame them) and its not that I watch scary movies (like my mother likes to say), Its more I dont know what is going to happen. So maybe its a fear of not being in control? Or Im just crazy or its because my mother would turn my night light off if I didnt go to bed good and I would cry because I was so damn scared.... Thanks mom.
*You cant call yourself a good parent unless you've provided your child with enough issues for a full therapy session. 

Another fear I have is dieing during birth. When I was pregnant with Spaz, I saw a movie that depicted how more people are dieing in the hospital giving birth than at home. Then they continued to say one of the main reasons women die during birth is because they hemorrhage- wouldnt people hemorrhage more at home with no medical doctor, you ask? Dont get me started, it got me questioning it too... BUT LORD HAVE MERCY. I cried and said HELL NO I WONT GO. I told Sexy Beast I couldn't do it so he would have to somehow give birth for me. Then I told him if he let me die, I would haunt him for the rest of his life and would judge every parenting decision he made .. I was a sweet pregnant lady. Im still very scared of this. And even more I guess because of my biggest fear:

Losing my husband or child. Losing anyone I love would be terrible. But I have a sickening fear of losing Beast or Spaz. I never knew how much I could love someone until I held Spaz for the first time and saw Beast holding look into his eyes.

When Beast was deployed, I held it together pretty good. I never really cried. Even when he left, I felt sort of ... well nothing really. There was a ringing in my ears which I knew was from holding tears back. But I felt like I needed to keep it together- not only cause I dont like to show emotion in public but I needed to be strong for Spaz. He needed to feel that everything was okay and daddy was fine. Just like trying to explain a homecoming to someone who has no experiance with one, watching your loved one leave on a big white bus to who-knows-where is hard to explain. You dont really feel like they are going to somewhere very dangerous at first. That takes a bit to kick in. And if you are one of the lucky ones, you never do. You dont feel impending doom or loss. If you are me, you  just feel... numb. You feel a bit lost. A bit broken. Like a part of you is missing and you can physically feel it. I know some people broke down at that moment. I saw others holding crying women in pain. I didnt bring anyone with me except Spaz (and my little brother. He didnt have a babysitter). I didnt want my mother with me because I dont like showing that kind of raw emotion around her.
                 I looked around and everything was in slow motion. All I could really see was Spaz's face. He was only 7 months old at the time so his face was so innocent and unaware. He had no idea what was happening. All he was thinking was- Im hungry. Even then I didn't have much fear of losing Beast. It wasnt until I experienced my first black out that the numb turned to panic, pain, and fear. For those who are familiar with the military know that a Black Out is one of the worst things you can experiance. Hearing your door bell ring during one is even worse, but seeing the men in uniform when you open that door the ultimate pain.
                 I hadnt heard from Beast for an abnormal amount of time and when I talk to one of my friends she said that she hadnt heard from her soldier as well. I just knew what that meant. So I waited in the silence. The dark. The black. The door bell rang and it was only the UPS man dropping off a Creative Memories package for mom. I swear she got 213 of these while he was deployed. Thanks again mom. Thankful I heard back from Beast not too long after. Then came the email. The dreaded new message in my inbox from the company stating there was a casualty. It was just too close to home. I cried.     I cried for the wife that had to receive the flag. I cried for the children that wouldnt see their father on the field 8 months later. I cried for the mom who lost her son.
               I cant imagine losing a child but now that I even have one of my own- It makes the fear and pain worse. The thought makes me sick. But I have to remember its just a fear. I have alot of faith that Beast will make it home everytime and be his Sexy self because its not the end of the battle when he steps onto US soil. The battle just becomes a new one to conquer. I have faith that Spaz and my future little beasts will live successful lives. I have faith that they wont stick me in a creepy nursing home, but will instead build a lovely home for the Sexy Beast and I to keep eachother company when we become to old to wipe our own ass. Remember folks, when the kids are gone its just you and your coworker again. So dont forget to continue to build on that relationship. Always and Forever

Three fears. I have some little fears here and there that are dumb and I cant really explain. But I think these are pretty legit. Even the fear of the dark. Go ahead and deny it. But you know you make sure your feet are in the blanket at night.... 

Friday, March 22, 2013

Challenge Accepted

So I was on Facebook (surprise, surprise) and I noticed one of my old work friends, Katie, was going a sort of "daily challenge" on her blog. I thought. WELL, that sounds fun and it will help with my lack of motivation to blog lately since life is full of packing, cooking, cleaning, packing, and packing more. So I say challenge accepted. I found a good 30 Day Challenge that will either A) bore you to drink, B) enlighten you to something new, or C) maybe inspire you to do a challenge as well. I'd love to get to know you even more!

Day 1: List 10 random facts about you

  1. I'm a ginger. Yes, folks, its true. I am a natural red head but dont be alarmed- I DO actually have a soul... (though Im sure Sexy Beast would argue that one after watching me go through labor).
  2. I was carrying twins with Gabriel but lost one in the first trimester.
  3. I used to sing in competitions and pageants until I was 15 years old. I was even in singing groups called The Seven Sisters and American Kids where I went to Missouri for a national competition.
  4. Im a city girl at heart but would rather raise my babies in the country.
  5. I dont drink. Ok well I dont really drink alot. Its rare to see me actually drinking since I got pregnant. I think its the combination of getting sick EVERY time I drink or if its the exhaustion. But if I was writing this 3 years ago- thatd be a different story.
  6. I hate being scared but LOVE horror movies.
  7. I cry at just about everything happy or sad. If I see a child crying on TV or someone giving birth- I cry. Absolutely every time. What have these hormones done to me?
  8. I want 4 children but after giving birth for the 3rd time Im sure Ill say "F-this noise Im done"
  9. Im obsessed with cupcakes and pinterest.
  10. Im very hard on myself about my parenting. I am by biggest criticizer. But maybe this will calm down with age.. or more babies.
On a side note- Spaz had a speech therapy session on Wednesday. At his 18 month appointment, the doctor asked if he was speaking 10 or more words... well.. Not exactly. I am with him all day.. So he referred me to a therapist and it went pretty good. He is slightly below average for where he should be but she said that he is very socially intelligent and affectionate. He might be having a hard time hearing which would cause the mumbling, balance issues, and not pronouncing the words correctly. So off the the ENT we will go.... 

But dont fret- even with all the chaos and now the croup AGAIN, he is still keepin' it real...


Friday, March 8, 2013

My Blog Love Affair

So I was doing my ritual blog reading and on one of my favorite blogs I was mentioned in her "blog crushes".. and It got me thinking. Maybe I should share the care and tell you some of my favorite blogs to follow. Id like to say I have more of a life than just sitting around reading blogs, but in this transition of moving out of Georgia... Its not true.

Simple Kind of Wonderful is one of my close friends from High School down in the dirty Dena (Wadena for those who dont understand the Dena-way of speakin') We "worked" together at the local drug store, and I have shared some of the biggest laughs with this girl. Her spunk shines through her blog while she is sharing her weight loss journey (though this skinny bitch doesnt have much to lose), life as a mama to the cutest chubby cheeked girl, and wife to a.. wait for it ladies... FIREMAN.

Eat Yourself Skinny is a newer blog I have discovered through my sick sixth sense of a great blog! With a name like that, how can you go wrong? This, not only gorgeous woman but down-to-earth, chick shows off her amazing talent with a camera and a kitchen. She has great healthy recipes that not only taste good but wont make you feel like a dairy cow afterwards. She also has my kind of style! I follow her religiously on Instagram--> My newest obsession. I also recently discovered through Instagram, aka a creeper's dream app, that her brother is in the military. Well I cant not support a fellow military lover!

Little Baby Garvin- now this is one of my FAVORITE blog out there. I didn't start reading blogs until I came across a pin with her chalkboard recording of her growing bump. This is the girl that started it all! And because of her, I have also started yet another obsession of chalk! Have you ever read a blog and thought to yourself- "we would be best friends"!! from her hilarious takes on parenting and pregnancy, to her potty mouth and love of holidays- This woman is such a great blogger. She speaks the truth and doesnt bubble wrap the joys of parenting to her beautiful baby toddler girl, Harper. And she is also a Georgia resident- Cant go wrong with that.

I have lots of other blogs Im discovering and getting to know so I am going to keep up these crushes. I will report back once a month on my love affair of blogs! So go check these peeps out! You may find a new obsession.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Child Bride

It should be more like child groom. While I think I wasn't THAT young, 20 years old, my groom was 18 years old. Okay... Maybe that is pretty young. Yes the number is low, but how old were our grandparents when they got married? And their generations divorce rate seems to be slightly lower than ours...

I was doing my ritual nightly pinning one night and I came across this one..
At first I was a bit offended but then I couldnt get too dramatic since I would have said the same thing. That is until I met Sexy Beast
When I "met" him (Iv known him since we were crapping in our pants) I was 19 and just about to graduate college and he was 17, a senior in high school. Yes... 17. Now while some may read this with a huge red sign that says "Im a pedophile", lets keep this in perspective. Im only 2 years older. Just technically an adult before him. If people can marry their cousin and have sister wives and get paid to feed their child crack/mountain dew while letting her suck on a pacifier between pageant categories, I can date someone who's two years younger. I do remember jokingly asking the Beast's father, Senior Beast- and my boss lets not forget- if I could take him across the state boarder to have dinner with my girlfriends.

To those who say that getting married young is ending the fun early.. well all I have to say is, you dont know life until you've found the one you'd like to spend the rest of it with. So I dont go dressed up and go out to parties anymore until 2am. I dont play eye-flirt with the guy across the bar. I dont play games anymore and wonder "will he call? Does he like me?". And my life isnt care free and easy. I get dressed up to impress the man who tells me Im gorgeous with no makeup and peanut butter on my face. I play Apples to Apples while making dirty innuendos and laughing at immature things with my husband. I know he will call and that he loves me. Life is full of care and hard- but its the greatest challenge with the best reward.. A big fat diamond ring!   Just kidding... The greatest reward is a life with someone who makes me happier than fat kid locked in a bakery.

So maybe my life doesn't seem so glamorous and exciting to you. But sooner or later, that glamor runs out and the excitement will die down. Then what do you have? What are you leaving behind?

Staying in and watching movies on a Friday night may not seem so fun to you, but its home to me. Cooking your husbands favorite dinner may seem a bit lame to you, but its rewarding to me. Coming home to a husband Sexy Beast and baby Spaz instead of going out with girlfriends may seem boring to you, but its a dream come true to me.

So I look at this picture again and im not offended at all...
I leave the party before 10PM because I have something better at home.