Saturday, April 6, 2013

Day 7

Ok so its more like day 15.. Id like to blame my 3 week headache. Or the moving. Or the Georgia weather. Or Snooki. But there's really no excuse. I have not kept up... at all... But I promise when you find out the surprise, you'll understand why I have been busy. Well, some of you will.

Day 7: What is your dream job and why.

My own reality TV show. Wouldnt that be just easy? I get paid to just... do nothing. I could get spray tans, have a huge ass, and date rich duece bags that we love to hate. Oh wait. Thats already covered by The Kardashians. As much as I want to hate them, I LOVE that show. Its my guilty pleasure. I admit it. For shame.

I have wanted to be so many things. A lawyer, a stunt car driver, a singer, a personal shopper, a pediatrician, and even a plastic surgeon- that was mainly because my mom really wanted a boob job. Who wouldnt want a free boob job?

But Id have to say my fantasy dream job would be an actress on a popular TV show. I think it would be alot of fun. Id want to play a sci-fi character or be on a good comedy sit com.. something like Supernatural or Rules of Engagement.

My realistic dream job: a midwife. I want to be there for women and men from preconception to babies two week check up. One day I want to actually delivery a baby. I was going to school while Beast was deployed. I was starting my pre-nursing classes. Its hard because I want to be a nurse in the L&D department but at the same time I want to be home with my babies while they are babies. I know that I should go to school now and do it while im young.. but then why do I have this ache inside when I think about not being home with them? I feel guilty though like Im letting society (aka my mother) down by not going to school for nursing. I do already have a degree you know. Its a 2 year in Human Resources. I want to work. I tried looking for a job in the area, but I have had no such luck so far. Maybe Im just ment to be at home with my kids until they are in school. What is more important? I like being a stay at home mom but then why do I feel guilty about it?

Aww... life. What a rush.

What is your dream job? What has stopped you from attaining them? I think Beast's dream job would be a professional baseball player... I wouldnt mind that uniform either on him. Just saying.

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