Saturday, April 13, 2013

Life's a Beach.. Deal with it.

Hmm Day 8- What are your three passions?

Do yoga pants and spongebob count? If I was my husband I would say.. Call of Duty. Im sure after he reads this he will look at me and say, "yah yah"... (we dont like to say shut up in this house so Yah Yah is our nice way of putting it)

Hmm.. One passion would be of course my family. Its been my greatest achievement so far. 5 years ago, if you were to tell me that I would be a family girl now, I would have laughed at you and bought you a shot. Now its rare to even see me drink... I have no time I feel like. But my babies are my life. Dont tell anyone but I look forward to expanding my little monster house. Just waiting for a good time. A "good time" was 6 months ago for Beast. I think he would be singing a different off-key-tune if he had to carry 50 extra pounds for 10 months then push that sucker out of something that should never have something that big pop out. He whines when he gets a sun burn.

Hmm.. another passion is pinning getting inspiration for my fix ups. I like doing everything myself. Im a DIY-er. So far I have made Spaz a bench, a toy box that looks like a treasure chest, and fixed up a dresser to a bright fun statement piece in his room. Once I have my own house, I will be renovating it myself (with the help of some professionals here and there. Gotta give them something to do so they arent sitting at work bored) I like attempting to be one of those super moms I hate so much. Its a complicated relationship.

Hmm.. my last passion is oddly enough- the journey of becoming a mom. I tell my friends and family all the time that I want to delivery a baby myself so bad. I love when my friends and family members come to me with a pregnancy or new mother question. It makes me feel like maybe Im doing something right in this department. Now Im not saying I know it all-Though I feel like I do when talking to the Beast. There is plenty that I haven't experienced or didnt read about or didnt learn in school. But then Ill refer you to someone else or ask my go-to nurse mom. So keep the gross and disgusting questions about what in the hell is coming out of you coming my way. Un-nurse Dani is here!

On a side note, we took our last trip to the beach today.. Sad Face!! (the picture above is of me telling Beast to stop being inappropriate)

I was excited and self-concious because I love the beach but I also had donuts on top chocolate all night and day. Its been almost two years since iv been in a decent bikini. It was around 80 at Hilton Head, South Caroline and beautiful. Be jealous Minnesota friends.. be jealous.

However, we all got burnt!! Mother of the year award, folks. Yes, I did put sunscreen on my Spaz but he managed to get burnt in random spots, including the bags under his eyes, his cheeks (not the ones grandma squeezes), and his EYEBALLS. WHO THE HELL gets their EYEBALLS burnt? I feel awful! He looks like a good combo of crack baby meets allergies. He looks like he's been sitting in a circle down in Eric Foreman's basement...  What do I even do for my poor baby? I just kept snuggling him and saying sorry...

I think Spaz had the most fun, though. The waves were huge but they were no much for the Beast-in-training. He kicked every last wave's ass and took its name! One knocked him flat on his face but he stood tall and proud screaming "I will have my revenge on thy H2O!!" On our way back up to where everyone was sitting, two pairs of boobs in bikinis walked by. Spaz did a double take and like the male he is, immediately started chasing after them. Luckily they were very nice and said hello. But when they walked away, Spaz didnt follow me like I hoped for. No. My little "man" followed them all the way down the beach. Dont worry- mom was right behind him. As I always will. Forever. Remember that little ladies... Remember.

Spaz also was enlightened to the wonderful cuisine of sand. Lovely, salty, sand. I never thought I'd have to say, "Spaz, Stop eating the beach!" 47 times in 10 mins. Even after denying him his delectable sand, and third wheeling his hunt for babes, he still loves his mama. And gave me plenty of salty kisses to remind me.

                                                Until Next Time.. xoxo

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Day 7

Ok so its more like day 15.. Id like to blame my 3 week headache. Or the moving. Or the Georgia weather. Or Snooki. But there's really no excuse. I have not kept up... at all... But I promise when you find out the surprise, you'll understand why I have been busy. Well, some of you will.

Day 7: What is your dream job and why.

My own reality TV show. Wouldnt that be just easy? I get paid to just... do nothing. I could get spray tans, have a huge ass, and date rich duece bags that we love to hate. Oh wait. Thats already covered by The Kardashians. As much as I want to hate them, I LOVE that show. Its my guilty pleasure. I admit it. For shame.

I have wanted to be so many things. A lawyer, a stunt car driver, a singer, a personal shopper, a pediatrician, and even a plastic surgeon- that was mainly because my mom really wanted a boob job. Who wouldnt want a free boob job?

But Id have to say my fantasy dream job would be an actress on a popular TV show. I think it would be alot of fun. Id want to play a sci-fi character or be on a good comedy sit com.. something like Supernatural or Rules of Engagement.

My realistic dream job: a midwife. I want to be there for women and men from preconception to babies two week check up. One day I want to actually delivery a baby. I was going to school while Beast was deployed. I was starting my pre-nursing classes. Its hard because I want to be a nurse in the L&D department but at the same time I want to be home with my babies while they are babies. I know that I should go to school now and do it while im young.. but then why do I have this ache inside when I think about not being home with them? I feel guilty though like Im letting society (aka my mother) down by not going to school for nursing. I do already have a degree you know. Its a 2 year in Human Resources. I want to work. I tried looking for a job in the area, but I have had no such luck so far. Maybe Im just ment to be at home with my kids until they are in school. What is more important? I like being a stay at home mom but then why do I feel guilty about it?

Aww... life. What a rush.

What is your dream job? What has stopped you from attaining them? I think Beast's dream job would be a professional baseball player... I wouldnt mind that uniform either on him. Just saying.